how to castle in chess

You may be a chess fan, and you are asking yourself how to castle in chess?

Castling is a particular king’s move in chess in which the King and the rook can move simultaneously.

It is the only time when two pieces are moved at the same time, but the board must meet some criteria to have a corresponding castling.

You can study to admit those criteria, make a move, and use it with triumph in a game. See Step 1 for more details. Castling is within the strategic moves of chess because its primary purpose is the safety of the King.

In castling, the King and the rook get an exclusive position. There are two types of castling. Long castling and short castling. Long castling is castling on the queen’s side, and short castling is castling on the King’s side. For each casting, some rules have to be followed.

  • 1st is Your King, and the rook that wants to castrate should not have distanced itself from its initial position in any way.
  • 2º the King at the moment of castling should be free from any threat or check. The King should be free from any check on the part of the opponent.
  • 3º the squares that a king is going to pass and get must be free of any threat from the opponent’s side.
  • 4th, the squares between the King and the rook must be cleared, that is, if there is a knight or bishop or queen between the King and the rook, the King cannot proceed with castling.

Some steps and tactics you can follow for efficient castling are;

How to Castle in Chess

The steps are;

  • Step 1: Study the rules.
  • Step 2 Move the King 2 spaces to the rook.
  • Step 3 Move the rook to the other side of the King.
  • Step 4: learning when to castle
  • Step 5: Castillo coming soon if you defend your King
  • Step 6: Use a castle to release your tower and make an offense.
  • Step 7: Wait to the castle until your opponent has mounted an offensive
  • Step 8: When in doubt, the King’s side of the castle.
  • Step 9: Use castling as part of a coordinated offensive plan.

Step 1: Study the rules.

It is of utmost consideration that you ensure that the table meets the requirements for castling. To castrate, you will need to see the position of your King and the position of your rook. Neither part has probably been moved from its original position, even if the pieces have returned to that space, although if you wish to castle with one rook, the other may have moved freely.

All spaces between the rook and the King must be free spaces. To castle with the rook to the right of its King, the bishop and knight on that side must have moved to another section. To castle with the rook to the left of its King, the bishop, knight, and queen must have moved to another section. Similarly, these spaces are not allowed to be occupied by your opponent’s pieces, which means that you cannot castle to catch a part.

The King and rook do not have to have moved. If your King or rook has moved before, whether or not it is in the same place, it cannot castle.

The King must not currently be in check, move through squares under attack by enemy pieces, and must not end up in check after castling. If you have been previously checked in the game of chess but have not moved or are not in check, you can castle. If the rook is threatened, castling is still facilitated.

How to Castle in Chess with Friends

Step 2: Move the King 2 spaces to the rook.

The movement itself is dependent on the tower you choose to castle with. You can castle with one of your rooks, to the King’s side (to the right of the King, a shorter distance) or to the queen’s side (to the left of the King, where the rook will move an extra space).

To castle on the King’s flank, move your King two spaces to the right, toward the rook on that side, replacing the original position of the knight, which must be in another section.

To castle on the queen’s side, move your King two spaces to the left, toward the rook on that side, replacing the original position of the bishop on that side, which must be in another section.

Castling is a king’s move. If you play a touch move, you must first touch the King, or you must perform a rook move. However, in online chess, you must “click” on the King, and not on the rook to the castle.

how to castle in chess online

Step 3: Move the rook to the other side of the King.

In the same movement, you will raise the rook on that side and move it to space through which the King moved to reach its new position. The pieces have to be next to each other.

In a castle on the King’s side, the tower will replace the position of the bishop on that side.

In a castle on the lady’s side, the rook will replace the position of the lady.

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Step 4: learning when to castle

Only cast when it is in your favor. Beginning players who have finished studying the rule tend to get over-excited and get stuck unnecessarily when the board makes it easy. While it can be an incredible way to publicize an invading attack or regroup your pieces for your forward march, it is not in all cases the most capable move.

Castling was introduced sometime in the 16th century to increase the agility of the game and open new defensive sources for the players, balancing the offensive and defensive strategy in a more fluid style of play.

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Step 5: Castillo coming soon if you defend your King

It is recommended to the castle as fast as your King can be protected (and safe from checkpoints) so that he can get his tower out. However, be sure to make a “window” if there are pawns above the King. And you have another part of the defense.

This is only a suggestion, and may not be for all situations. Some find this helpful; others do not. Do not make this a “must” and base your selection on your circumstance.

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Step 6: Use a castle to release your tower and make an offence.

The rook can be one of the least simple pieces to put into play, and usually does not become a substantial offensive weapon until the outcome of the game. If your offensive needs an extensive range of rooks, building a game of castle chess can be an incredible way to free the rook from behind the pawns.

what is a castle in chess

Step 7: Wait to castle until your opponent has mounted an offensive

The best time for a casting? Just when your opponent has decided on an offensive plan that is dependent on your position today. If you see your opponent’s offensive coming together, you might want to hurry up and make room for a castle and then pull the rug out.

Some players roll up early, sometimes within the first five moves, as a way of mounting their offensive. If you choose to orient the pieces after castling, do so. However, you are usually ruling out the chance of the last castle that will throw off your opponent. In most cases, it is used more as a defensive maneuver than an offensive plan.

what is a castle in chess

Step 8: When in doubt, the King’s side of the castle.

Several players, both beginners, and professionals agree that castling on the King’s flank usually secures their King better. Besides, castling on the King’s side tends to be more accelerated because it is not a requirement that the queen has moved. Keep your pawns defensively structured on the King’s side before castling.

Castling on the King’s side tends to be a defensive plan, while castling on the queen’s side facilitates a larger offensive, with an active queen’s rook.

how chess is played

Step 9: Use castling as part of a coordinated offensive plan.

If you want to understand more about how to add difficulty to your chess game and develop more sophisticated techniques, you might want to study.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules for castling in chess?

  • 4 of the most indispensable rules for chess castling are
  • It is feasible that the King and the rook have not moved from their starting squares if you wish to castrate.
  • All spaces between the King and the rook have to be empty.
  • The King cannot be under control.
  • The squares where the King happens do not have to be under attack, nor the square where it descends.

How do you free the castle in chess?

Your castle in the application in this way you must OTB. Grab the King, move it to a square whether it’s two to the right or two to the left, about which side you’re trying to castle. OTB, then you would move the rook to the other side of the King; here, the rook moves automatically

Learn How to Get Good at Chess

Can you Castle in play pigeon chess?

Chess is a game of concentration and specialty if you devote time and study; you may become the most outstanding in the game.


The twisting is among the most sought after actions to carry out by experts; this offers security and undoubtedly can lead you to win a game that you thought may be lost.

So, the best thing you can do is see and analyze your piece of chess.

The castle moves in chess are very evident, but, ideally, you learn to do them so that everything goes well. In the friend’s chess, you can study enormous teachings about how to play, something that influences more is the chess setup.