Where to Play Ping Pong? | It’s Not Hard To Find With Our Expert Guide

Where to Play Ping Pong

Ping pong is a sport that never gets old. It’s always fun to grab some paddles, a ball and find a table to practice on. If you like this sport, then you are in great luck! As expected, you must seek a place where to play ping pong to enjoy the game maximally.

Furthermore, you can easily hear this question among many ping pong lovers “Where to play ping pong?” and to this end, below, we have proposed a list of where to play ping pong. With these, you have no more excuses. Invite your friends and propose a different activity by playing ping pong in the following places:

At Home

You can play ping pong at home with your family members and friends. This brings much fun, though a good ping pong table would be required.

where to play ping pong

A Ping Pong Recreational Centers

You can play ping pong in any close by ping pong recreational center. In most leisure or recreational centers, you will usually find a ping pong table readily available.

where to play ping pong

In Ping Pong Clubs

You can play ping pong in any available ping pong club. This type of club is also a great place to meet other ping pong players. With much consistency in such clubs, you can as well have the opportunity to participate in local ping pong tournaments.

Ping Pong Clubs

In Parks and Public Gardens

You can find many tables distributed outdoors in parks and public gardens in many places where you can play ping pong without spending a penny. Some public parks are quite ideal for playing in total tranquility since there are usually few people, and calmness abounds greatly.

where to play ping pong

Read More: Best Ping Pong Paddle Under 100

What is the Best Way to Play Table Tennis?

Table tennis needs a lot of strategy from the player to beat the opponent. The tactics for making points are many, and the effects that the racket causes on the ball are the most known and used: the Cato, the Topspin, the Driver, and the Over-driver.


This is a strategy that makes the ball turn opposite to the opponent. It is also called “setback” because, if he does not receive the ball properly and appropriately for this type of effect, the ball tends to hit his racket and stop in the net, not passing over it, as it should. This type of effect is used as a defensive strategy as it makes the opponent does not react to receive the ball.


This strategy is used to make the ball lose its cactus effect. It makes the ball have a very fast spin by totally cutting the spin put by the opponent. This effect can only be applied when the ball is already leaving the table. It requires a much-improved movement, starting with the racket just below the knee and ending with it close to the forehead. When performed perfectly, this strategy makes it difficult for the opponent to block the ball, as it has a perfect combination of speed and effect. When the opponent receives the topspin, the chances of success are low, as the ball tends to hit the racket, go off the table, or stop in the net.


It is a fastball effect strategy, generally used for finishing plays. It requires a quick movement of the player, causing him to “scrape” the upper part of the ball to take effect and moves with a lot of speed. Because it is a very fast movement, the opponent usually tries to block it, thus opening space for several attack options. The chance of winning the point with this strategy is very great.


This is a very bold strategy, considered even suicidal. And based on an attack on top of another attack: a driver on top of another driver. Executed successfully, it makes the opponent find it very difficult to block the ball because the quality of the effect is practically doubled in addition to the speed. The chance of a point is huge.

The player must be well-positioned to perform an over-driver. The arm’s movement is short and very fast, with the racket starting just above the waist and ending near the forehead. The ball’s hitting must be improved as the player needs to know the direction of the effect the ball is in and attack it as a form of block.

In addition to the strategies described above, table tennis’s physical fitness is an essential point to win a game. The athlete must be physically and emotionally prepared to create the strategy, anticipate the opponent’s move, in addition to overcoming physical effort. Many matches are won because the athlete is “whole” in the match, that is, focused and well physically to be able to turn the game around and win the match. In this case, he is commonly called a “laurel.”

What Age Should You Start Playing Ping Pong?

From research, it has been observed that the Best Age to start playing ping pong is between 7 to 8 years old. This is quite valid because, at this age, most children usually have better coordination and psychomotor skills. These are both important for the adequate playing of ping pong. 

ping pong

Is Ping Pong Played to 11 or 21?

A Ping-Pong match generally takes place in 3 or 4 winning rounds of 11 points depending on the competition (with 2 points difference). The first player who wins the required number of rounds is declared the winner. In the case of 3 winning rounds, players can therefore play up to 5 rounds. For four winning rounds, they may have to play up to 7 rounds. A round takes place in 11 points with 2 points difference. 

Initially, a player who obtains the first 21 points is declared the winner. But earlier, this was changed to the 11 point system. This rule was fully applied from September 1, 2001.

Can You Hit a Ping Pong Ball Before it Bounces?

As a standing ping pong rule, no player is expected to hit the ball before it bounces. Whenever this happens, such a player loses a point.

How do you Decide who Serves First in Table Tennis?

To decide who serves first in table tennis, you could flip a coin first.

What Score is a Skunk in Ping Pong?

There is no official history of how the skunk score rule came into being. The word “skunking” is a somewhat outdated slang term that athletes in many sports use to describe the act of humiliating an opponent by increasing their score. It is considered bad manners by the pros.

The skunk score rule in table tennis is strictly a by-product of amateur score-based play and is defined as follows: “Scores of 7-0, 11-1, 15-2 and 21-3 are’ winning skunks. As if being ‘skunked’ weren’t enough, the skunk could also be forced to do push-ups or drink two beers. These are by no means official tournament rules, as the ironic tone suggests.

How many Calories does Ping Pong Burn in an Hour?

Table tennis slims. An hour played at a moderate pace can burn around 250 calories. This energy expenditure can even reach 300 calories per hour in the context of competitive practice. There are not so many calories compared to other exercises, such as running and cycling, but considering the low impact of sport and fun, there is a great cost-benefit ratio. It is also possible to intensify the pace of matches and play for longer to increase in caloric expenditure.

Where is Ping Pong Most Popular?

Ping pong is the most popular in China. The country has about 10 million federated practitioners. Such popularity is the result of the mass promotion by the communist leader Mao Tse-tung due to the sport’s adaptation to small spaces, ideal for the most populous country in the world.

What Muscles does Ping Pong Use?

Tennis is a complete sport that strengthens the whole body. In addition to the cardio-respiratory system, several muscles of the body are used when playing tennis. The accelerations and the body’s many movements make the lower limbs of the body particularly work. Playing tennis regularly helps tone the glutes, thighs, and calves. Snowshoe grips, backhands, and forehands allow you to sculpt your arms and shoulders. Finally, the movements of rotation of the trunk strengthen the back and the abdominals.

Can you Spike the Ball in Ping Pong?

No. It is against the rules in ping pong to spike the ball while playing.


In conclusion, ping pong is a sport that may seem easy and simple, but the reality is that if you want to become a professional or an advanced level of a game player, it is not just enough to have a good technique. You also need the best equipment, such as a ping pong paddle and a great mentality. Furthermore, it would help if you also had a good place to play ping pong, as highlighted above.