how do you hold a shuffleboard puck

Maybe you know how to play Shuffleboard but do you know how do you hold a shuffleboard puck? Well, let’s go into business, and find out how it’s done! However, let’s talk about Shuffleboard first!

Regardless of its simple rules, Shuffleboard is a complicated game to master. That’s why it needs time, synchronization, and control. You can play two game modes. In Shuffleboard, players compete to move weights during a game table. Deck Shuffleboard is played on the floor or the Deck of a ship. It covers a larger sector.

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Shuffleboard is an arcade game played by trying to move the scoring discs in one of the scoring locations on the other side of the court with a long stick. Shuffleboard courts can be found in a variety of backgrounds, but the frequent changes are country clubs. It is even played on cruise ships.

How Do You Hold a Shuffleboard Puck?

First, you must understand that there is an extensive shuffleboard manual with all the detailed rules. This is primarily used in the championships. Besides, we must emphasize that these rules that we will give now are simple and can change from court to court, from area to area, or from family to family.

To grab the Shuffleboard, the widest part of the disc must be on the palm.

  • The wick is worth 3 points.
  • Also, the horn is worth 6 points.
  • The sprocket is worth 9 points.

Taking the hand means that there was no wick, sprocket, or horn and the winner is the one who threw the Shuffleboard closest to the horn, this is worth 1 point.

You decide how many kids you want to play with; usually, each kid is 9 points.

You can play in teams or when there are few people, individually. The board is made up of a remarkable proportion of clay. It also has a horn in the middle, and on it, the wicks are placed.

In the championships and the games of connoisseurs, commonly four wicks are accommodated distributed on the horn. But we observe that in the fun of beginners and foreigners, they put 6 to 10 wicks; of course so that there is a more significant opportunity to carry out wick or sowing.

The length between both courts is between 17 and 20 meters, concerning whether they are courts for beginners or regulation courts. And even though they are long, we can see players throwing from the middle of the court.

How Do You Hold a Shuffleboard Puck

Team Choices

The Shuffleboard is played by sliding its four colored disks, which are also known as weights, or disks. They go across the board to the scoring sector. To move the disks, each player uses a “cue”. It is a stick with a half-circle opening in the radical that fits near each disk. A regulation size deck is 39 feet by 6 feet. However, smaller decks are sold to work in a backyard deck.

Read More: What are the Rules for Playing Shuffleboard

How Do You Hold a Shuffleboard Puck: Some Shuffleboard Tips

There is a triangular scoring sector on each radical on the board where players try to get their discs to stop. The Triangle Tip is marked with “10” and is the smallest part of the triangle, making it the most demanding top of a disk.

The next part is a left and right sector marked “8”, which is subtly more critical than the 10 point sector. Besides, the third part of the triangle is a left and right sector marked “7”. After that, there is a part outside the famous triangle like the “10 off” sector.

outdoor shuffleboard technique

Shuffleboard Game Modes

The shuffleboard game uses a game table with a score sector marked in a radical. Near the table, there is a gutter to catch the sliding weights. Each player receives several disk-like-like consequences, usually four; the purpose is to slide them across the table to the scoring locations.

The most prominent weight in a scoring region receives points equal to the value of that region. If an opponent’s weight is currently in the scoring area, the player must attempt to pass it or hit it against the gutter with his or her weight.

There are several variations on the rules, with different numbers of players and other point totals required to win; the more prominent the number of players, the more points are necessary to win, and vice versa.

Table Shuffleboard Puck and Deck

In the Indoor Shuffleboard, also known as Outdoor Shuffleboard, two players or teams play on an extended outdoor court. This course has scoring surfaces on each root, thus as a “10 whole” region. A weight in the ten-offs sector removes points from the player’s score.

Players use long broom-like blocks to move their weights around the course, trying to land them on the scoring surfaces and knock down their opponents in the ten off region. The scoring characters on each pad are used to speed up the game. The two players or teams move to the other place on the court when the first round or “square” finishes. After that, they shoot from there.

Court Size

A shuffleboard course should be 52 feet (16 meters) long and 6 feet (2 meters) wide, with a central neutral region 12 feet (4 meters) wide. The scoring triangle starts 3 feet (1 meter) after the end of the neutral area and is 9 feet (3 meters) wide. All three scoring scenarios are 3 feet (1 meter) long, with the latter two divided into two zones by the center, and the second, a “10 OFF” triangle extending 1-1/2 feet (0.5 meters) beyond the scoring triangle.

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Types of Shuffleboard Equipment

There are two primary types of shuffleboard equipment, disks, and sticks. A shuffleboard disc has a diameter of 6 inches (15 cm) and is between 9/16 inches (1.5 cm) and 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick.

A finished set of shuffleboard discs consists of eight discs, 4 of each colour. While the level colours are black and yellow, you can use any two different colours. Another shuffleboard playing tip is that discs have to be precisely 6 feet (2 meters) long, with a length of 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 inches (8 cm). The radical of the stick has a crescent shape to cradle the disc for the shot.

shuffleboard english backspin


The shot is carried out alternately, with the player whose set scored more points in the previous round throwing the first puck, then an opponent throwing his first puck. This pattern is repeated until all eight discs have been shot. Players must stay behind the scoring triangle on their side of the court when shooting. Also, try to land their discs on the triangle on the opposite side of the court. Discs resting in the neutral region are removed before continuing. Hitting one puck against another is legal.

Score Points

Shuffleboard scoring is easy because the value of the respective score zones is printed on the court. The front triangle is a value of 10 points, the second is eight, the third is seven, and the “10 OFF” part minus 10. For a shot to count points, it must end entirely within a scoring region. No points are given until all eight discs are shot. Discs that touch a line do not score.

Ways to Win

There are numerous ways to play to win on Shuffleboard. The rules require a set point total to win the game, in most cases at some multiple of 25, with a minimum of 50 points. Alternatively, if there are a considerable amount of players or teams that want to play, and you want to make sure the games don’t drag on, a limited time or rounds can be changed.


You can be sanctioned in several ways. First of all, if a player slides their disk beyond the scoring triangle, they must go into the “10 off” region, 10 points are deducted from that player’s total.

If a disc is hit in the “10 off” region by another player, the player whose disc was shot in that region will have 10 points deducted. If a player’s puck is touching the “10 off” sector line on the shooting side before his puck is played, 5 points are deducted.

For any shot that falls on the sideline or off the side of the board, 10 points will be deducted. If any boy part crosses the baseline while throwing a puck, 10 points are deducted. Finally, if a player accidentally shoots another player’s puck, 10 points are deducted.

How Do You Hold a Shuffleboard Puck: FAQs?

Where do you shoot from is Shuffleboard?

You can find a line in the middle of the court, six and a half feet from the end. This is the “baseline” and the sector that runs from the back to the baseline. It is called the “shooting sector”. From this line to the next one, 1.5 meters further on, is the “10 Off” sector.

How many pucks do you need for Shuffleboard?

Each player plays with a coloured disc. This is especially the one on one. This table is where the game begins.

The idea is that each player plays each weight at the same time towards the opposite table radical. There that space becomes the extreme of the table score. The idea is to split the eight pucks. If you are worried about which pucks you should get check our detail guide on shuffleboard pucks.

Can you bust in Shuffleboard?

It is not possible. The first set that gets 21 or more points wins. There is NO penalty for exceeding 75 points.


The game of Shuffleboard uses a game table with a scoring sector marked in a radical. Around the table, there is a gutter to catch the sliding weights. Each player receives several consequences that look like a disc, usually four. The purpose is to slide them across the table to the scoring locations.

The most prominent weight in a scoring region receives points equal to the value of that region. If an opponent’s weight is currently in the scoring area, the player must attempt to pass it or hit it against the gutter with his or her weight.